Yo~~ 做摆的副班长到此一游~~~~ 祝我们班的同学们考试顺利~~~~
空空的也~~ 我们班现在有Blog了。。。但是要写什么进去neh?? 有没有人有办法啊~~~~
很可惜不是全班都玩internet的 要不然真的可以做我们的virtual课室~~~~
也很可惜的,不是每个人都能了解我们的心意哦~ 我觉得我们post什么咚咚上来都一定会有人不爽的~~ (昨晚就一个 = = 跟它讲话讲到要吐血的)我受到教训了,你去理他们也只是浪费时间而已。人家脑就是那么四方,认定我们haolian就是,不管怎样都看我们不顺眼的说~ 所以大家看到这种人的comment,不要tulan, 也不用不爽,更不用大笑~~
(真的对不起自己昨晚还跟他一起疯,浪费时间又污染我们的blog~ Paiseh 啦~~)
Come to think of it.. It's d holidays so even if we wanted to post sth up here there wont be any gud events worth mentionin, rite? Silly me~ XD. Unless u guys wanna post ur holiday activities n update evryone on wads goin on wif ur personal life (photos r much much much welcomed XD). Like elyssa had said, jz dont exhibit ur naked photos here ( u can send them to me personally if u want, tho XD jkjk). Anyways, have fun~ DON'T remember to study~~~ XD
-Just dropping by to say hi n fill the blog so that it wont look so pathetically empty- (=.=)
With unrequitted love~ Kua Teck Ang @ YUMEMI @ 柯德鸿 @
http://www.empty-melodies91.blogspot.com/ @ http://www.firewyvern91.deviantart.com/ 记得过去看看哦~~~~~~
Oppsss 4got say jz now. Thks again Elyssa 4 going tru d trouble~~ (do i sound lk a kiss ass~ XD)
空空的也~~ 我们班现在有Blog了。。。但是要写什么进去neh?? 有没有人有办法啊~~~~
很可惜不是全班都玩internet的 要不然真的可以做我们的virtual课室~~~~
也很可惜的,不是每个人都能了解我们的心意哦~ 我觉得我们post什么咚咚上来都一定会有人不爽的~~ (昨晚就一个 = = 跟它讲话讲到要吐血的)我受到教训了,你去理他们也只是浪费时间而已。人家脑就是那么四方,认定我们haolian就是,不管怎样都看我们不顺眼的说~ 所以大家看到这种人的comment,不要tulan, 也不用不爽,更不用大笑~~
(真的对不起自己昨晚还跟他一起疯,浪费时间又污染我们的blog~ Paiseh 啦~~)
Come to think of it.. It's d holidays so even if we wanted to post sth up here there wont be any gud events worth mentionin, rite? Silly me~ XD. Unless u guys wanna post ur holiday activities n update evryone on wads goin on wif ur personal life (photos r much much much welcomed XD). Like elyssa had said, jz dont exhibit ur naked photos here ( u can send them to me personally if u want, tho XD jkjk). Anyways, have fun~ DON'T remember to study~~~ XD
-Just dropping by to say hi n fill the blog so that it wont look so pathetically empty- (=.=)
With unrequitted love~ Kua Teck Ang @ YUMEMI @ 柯德鸿 @
http://www.empty-melodies91.blogspot.com/ @ http://www.firewyvern91.deviantart.com/ 记得过去看看哦~~~~~~
Oppsss 4got say jz now. Thks again Elyssa 4 going tru d trouble~~ (do i sound lk a kiss ass~ XD)